by Christina McGhee
Fiona A. McAuslan & Peter Nicholson*
by Emilia Dowling and Di Elliot *
by Karen Woodall and Nick Woodall*
by Mavis Hetherington and John Kelly
E Walsh, T Fisher & H Woodward
Bruce Fisher & Robert Alberti
illustrated by Emma Brownjohn
Published by Tango Books Ltd, London
Barnados Ireland have an excellent series of Parenting Positively booklets for parents and children on a variety of topics. We’d recommend you look at the green booklet on Parenting Skills for useful language to discuss parenting issues. There are also three light blue booklets focusing on separation: one for parents; one for children age 6-12; and one aimed at helping teenagers. The text aimed at teenagers is online, not hard copy.
There are a number of other key practitioners in the field who have written both books and articles about mediation, separating couples and issues for children post-separation.
These include; Joan Kelly, Jennifer McIntosh and Liz Trinder. All three are involved in ongoing research in the field.
You may also find the following websites useful:
Fiction can also provide a very useful backdrop to understanding the complexities of issues facing separating couples.
by Mary Banham-Hall
by Joanna Trollope (and other titles)
by Julia Forster