FMNI Foundation Training Programme

By 12th September 2022 September 28th, 2023 News

Are you working with families in stressful situations? Have you an interest in conflict manage with a solution focused approach?

Family Mediation NI is the lead service provider and training organisation for family mediation within the Voluntary Sector in Northern Ireland. We are inviting eligible candidates to apply to enter this comprehensive training route to accreditation as a Family Mediator recognised in the UK and in Ireland.  The mediation service offered by FMNI includes separated parents mediation with the focus on the needs of the child. FMNI offers separating couples the opportunity to reach their own agreements during and after separation about their children, finances and living arrangements. This is widely accepted as a more sustainable outcome than one imposed on them, for example, in the Court process. FMNI also offers mediation for other intra-family disputes including Elder Mediation.

Find out more details about the programme here.

Download an information flyer here.