Accredited Routes to Becoming an Approved Family Mediator
Depending on your previous experience and qualifications you will need to complete a College of Mediator UK (CoM UK) accredited training programme, assessed by a team of approved FMNI Tutors, through ONE of the routes below:
Foundation Training Programme (FTP)
For anyone with relevant experience who is interested in becoming a family mediator and meets other eligibility criteria outlined in the Course Guide (see link below). This course is…
- £2000 per person (includes training, Manual, assessment, certification and co working opportunities to gain ‘Readiness to Practice’ Certificate)
- a 12 day assessed programme (combination of online and ‘in person’)
- Approved by College of Mediators UK
- Only available in NI through Relate NI (merged with FMNI)
- Only Mediation qualification in NI offering supervised, co-mediation practice hours post course completion, enabling trainees to work towards full CoM UK accreditation
See below for FTP Course Guide and Application Pack, as well as dates of the next FTP programme.
32 Hour Mediation (Separating Couples) Programme
Mandatory additional training required for Mediators who may have completed a Mediation programme with other providers e.g. Mediation NI, Law Society NI or other providers in GB/Republic of Ireland who wish to practice separating couples family mediation and work towards full CoM UK accreditation. Those interested in this route must meet other eligibility criteria outlined in the Course Guide (see link below). This course is…
- £500 per person (includes training, Manual, assessment, certification and co working opportunities to gain ‘Readiness to Practice’ Certificate)
- a 32 hour (6 day) assessed programme
- Approved by College of Mediators UK
- Only available in NI through Relate NI (merged with FMNI)
- Only Mediation qualification in NI offering supervised, co-mediation practice hours, post course completion, enabling trainees to work towards full CoM UK accreditation
Download application guidance here.
Download application form here.
If you have any questions about the training please contact Emma Campbell, Training Coordinator at
Minimum of 10 places are available.